Sunday, February 3, 2008

Remember Howard Jones?

I was very inspired by an experience that was shared today at our World Peace Meeting this month. I'm still practicing the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin with the support of members in the lay organization, Soka Gakkai International (SGI). I learned from one of those members through her experience, that keyboardist Howard Jones, one of my favorite musicians of the 80's started practicing this Buddhism about 14 years ago. She's a huge fan of his and learned about Buddhism through his website at I was so impressed by this that I checked out his website to see for myself, and sure enough, his personal testimony is stated clearly with sincerity and conviction, and ends with links to more information about Buddhism, one of which I have also added to my page. In reading his page, I instantly felt a connection with him through our shared practice. I understood from my own personal experience exactly what he was saying. Howard's words reminded me to appreciate how fortunate I am to be practicing this Buddhism and to remember that the greatest gift I can share with anyone is knowledge and understanding about the ultimate law of life, of cause and effect, of the interconnectedness of all beings, and how chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, which is at the heart of this practice, can help you be in harmony with the law and experience the highest life condition, and the awesomeness of human revolution. My own personal human revolution started happening about 20 years ago and is still evolving, as I continue to create my virtuous future with each thought and action in the present. I'm grateful to those who inspired me today, and everyday. Thank you.

1 comment:

Riceman said...

Yaay You're Blogging!

Thanks for sharing the pix.